
International Conference on SMART MULTIMEDIA, 2025

August 21-23, 2025 • Paris, France

Smart Multimedia is a focused forum to promote exchange of latest advances in multimedia technologies, systems, and applications from the research, development and industrial perspectives.

Authors are invited to submit a full paper (6 pages in IEEE format) according to the guidelines available on the conference website at https://www.SmartMultimedia.org. For Short/Industrial papers 4 pages in IEEE format will be needed. Electronic submissions are required.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Speech, audio, image, video, text, pattern, signal and location-based media processing
  • Smart Mechatronics, including Active Mechatronics
  • HCI, Virtual and Augmented Reality
  • Intelligent Manufacturing (Industry 4.0), Intelligent Surveillance
  • Multimedia coding, retargeting and transmission
  • Haptic Intelligence
  • Multimedia in Medicine
  • Automation in Surgery
  • 3D imaging, visualization, animation, virtual reality and 3DTV
  • Classification, Clustering and Machine Learning for Multimedia
  • Smart (including self-driving) Cars, Smart Homes
  • Multimedia and social sciences, art, entertainment, culture, education, healthcare
  •  Multi-modal integration, human‐machine interaction and human factors
  • Multimedia communication, networking and mobility
  • Multimedia vision, security, content protection and forensics
  • Multimedia databases, digital libraries, and social media
  • Multimedia applications, services, interfaces, devices, sensors and systems
  • Content analysis, matching and retrieval
  • Multimedia standards, trends and surveys
  • Multimedia quality assessment, metrics and studies


The conference will have high quality limited track oral and poster presentations. Several awards sponsored by industry and institutions will be given out. Accepted papers must be presented in person by one of the authors at the conference, or else they will not be included in the proceedings. Extensions or work related to the conference papers will be sought for special issues of selected journals. The proceedings will be published by IEEE. In addition, authors of accepted papers may submit related or extended work with considerable new material to a special issue in Signal Processing: Image Communication. If you need an invitation letter for Visa, please send email to webmaster@smartmultimedia.org.


Regular Paper Submission: March 1, 2025
Short/Industrial/Special Sessions Submission: April 1, 2025
Special Session Proposals: Jan 15, 2025
Notification on Regular Paper Acceptance: April 15, 2025
Notification on Other Papers: May 1, 2025
Camera-Ready Papers Due: May 15, 2025

Sponsors & Partners:

 Alberta AI,
 IEEE Signal Processing Society,
 CEA-List, Paris; Arizona State University;
 INSA Lyon; University of Florence; Multimedia  Research Center, UAlberta; Dolby; Microsoft

Conference Website: www.smartmultimedia.org

IEEE Link: https://signalprocessingsociety.org/blog/icsm-2025-2025-international-conference-smart-multimedia

Contact Email: webmaster@smartmultimedia.org